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Dear friend, welcome on the product page created for you.


Here you can find how to order our vines “Fartan” and the “Munica”, our oil, the last product by october’s harvest.
At the end of the page you will find the form to order what you prefere.
It is possible to request the purchase of a mixed box, (example 3 Munica – 3 Fartan) by sending the request to info@torredibaratti.com.
This prices are valid until 15 January 2023



Biodynamic oil is produced from centuries-old trees with 50% of Moraiolo, Leccino, Frantoiano and a few other varieties that are not yet classified. The flavor is herbaceous with a hint of artichoke

Packaging for shipping:


2 bottles of 500 ml (1 lt.)
€ 40,00 +  shipping costs


6 bottles of 500 ml (3 lt.)
€ 108.00 +  shipping costs



At sight the Biodynamic extra virgin olive oil of Torre di Baratti has an intense golden yellow color with delicate green tones, clear; the nose is broad and enveloping, rich in hints of fruit, artichoke and wild thistle, flanked by clear aromatic notes of rosemary. The taste is full and elegant, with tones of chicory, lettuce and hints of sage, black pepper and sour almonds. Strong bitter and spicy, decided and well harmonized.

Delivery cost and Payment:


Advance payment with bank transfer or credit card. We will inform youabout delivery cost as soon as we will receive your email.

Munica 2020 – 2021
Vermentino Biodinamico



Grown next to the sea in the Gulf of Baratti, without the use of synthetic chemicals products in the vineyard and with only small doses of sulfur in the cellar.
The name Munica in Etruscan means “Sacred”.


Contents cl. 75
Alcohol 12 vol

Packaging and shipping:


Munica 2020



– from 6 bottles € 125.00
+ shipping costs


– from 12 bottles € 237.00
shipping costs




Munica 2021



– from 6 bottles € 137.00
+ shipping costs


– from 12 bottles € 260.00
shipping costs

Fartan 2020 – 2021
Grenache Biodinamico


Biodynamic red wine, fermented with only indigenous yeasts and without other additives except a small dose of sulphites, grown directly on the Gulf of Baratti above the Etruscan settlement of ancient Populonia. The name Fartan in Etruscan means “Vital Force”


Contents cl. 75
Alcohol 14 vol

Packaging and shipping:



Fartan 2020-2021



– from 6 bottles € 137.00
+ shipping costs


– from 12 bottles € 260.00
shipping costs

Tasting Notes

Yellow color, with hints of Mediterranean vegetation, sapid structure, intriguing on the palate. Delicious fruity wine that conveys the salinity of the sea

Tasting Notes

Wine with a bright, ruby color, with a high aromatic intensity (black fruits), delicately spiced and with a good structure. Its softness is supported by a natural acidity well harmonized with the gentleness of the tannin. The retronasal notes of licorice complete the tasting. The skilful and passionate modern biodynamic management, both in the vineyard and in the cellar, make the expression of this wine unique.

Delivery cost and Payment:


Advance payment with bank transfer or credit card. We will inform you about delivery cost as soon as we will receive your email.

Fill out the form to send us an order request to buy our wines: Munica (vermentino) and / or Fartan (grenache)


The requested data will be used for shipping and for the tax document that we will send you. If yours is a company and you want an electronic invoice, add your unique code to the information.

    Name and surname (richiesto)

    Full adress (richiesto)

    Telephone (richiesto)

    Your email (richiesto)

    Tax code or VAT number


    2 bottles of Oil of 500 ml (1 lt.) € 40,00 + shipping cost6 bottles of Oil of 500 (3 lt.) € 108,00 + shipping cost

    6 bottles € 125,00 + shipping cost12 bottles € 237,00 + shipping cost

    6 bottles € 137,00 + shipping cost12 bottles € 260,00 + shipping cost

    FARTAN GRENACHE 2020-2021
    6 bottles € 137,00 + shipping cost12 bottles € 260,00 + shipping cost

    Use this field if you want to tell us something else